Tree of Life Congregation
Tree of Life

Tree of Life Congregation

Reform Congregation

Affiliated with URJ

Tree of Life Congregation (Reform) was incorporated in 1922 as Tree of Life Community Center. Our first permanent rabbi was Dr. Alfred Jospe in 1940. Briefly detained in the German Sachsenhausen concentration camp, Jospe emigrated to England, and the Morgantown Jewish community sponsored his coming here. The Congregation met in various rented locations in Morgantown until 1949, when the newly constructed Synagogue at 242 South High Street opened its doors. Rabbi Joe, Tree of Life’s current Rabbi, is a 1978 graduate of Harvard University and was ordained by Hebrew Union College in 2009.

Our congregation is a family and Tree of Life is our house and home. How does the synagogue function as a home for our family?

As a Beit Tefillah, a House of Prayer, we strive to meet our spiritual needs through:

  Shabbat worship in a variety of formats on Friday evenings and Torah study on Saturday mornings
  Regular Family and Mazel Tov Shabbat services as well as Torah Haftorah services with pre-B’nai Mitzvah students, parents and congregants
  Two Coopers Rock outdoor Shabbat services per year to welcome and say farewell to Summer
  Community Passover Seder
  Services for High Holidays and all other festivals

As a Beit K’nesset, a House of Assembly, we strive to meet our communal needs through:

  Youth activities
  An annual Chanukah party featuring latkes prepared by our men’s Latke Brigade
  Committees to address a variety of community needs
  Volunteering at the Rosenbaum Family House and Ronald McDonald House
  Shared events with the West Virginia University Hillel

As a Beit Midrash, a House of Study, we strive to meet our educational needs through:

  Sunday morning Religious School for preschool through seventh grade
  B’nai Mitzvah preparation and ceremonies
  Multilevel Hebrew program
  Post B’nai Mitzvah programs for teens
  Adult education classes
  Torah study on Saturdays
  Conversion classes
  Distinguished Lecturer series