Tree of Life Congregation
Tree of Life


Tree of Life Congregation is a vibrant Jewish community of assembly, study, and prayer. Our future depends on increasing our membership and level of support. We hope you will consider becoming a member. Please refer to this letter from the ToL President: 2024 Dues Letter – it provides details of the aspects of Tree of Life supported by dues and the various levels of membership available. Please use this form to join or renew your membership: Membership Pledge Form 2024-2025.

Because of our members’ generous support, we continue to be an active Jewish community with Rabbi Joe serving as our full-time spiritual leader and our Religious School principal. In addition to financial donations that keep the lights on and salaries paid, we rely on our members to donate their time as well. If you are able to join any of our committees, we would be most grateful for your help. Please indicate your interest in volunteering for a committee on the first page of the pledge form.

You can now make dues payments & donations online by clicking: Online TOL Payment. At this site, you can make a one-time or a recurring dues payment or donation to any of the funds. You can also set up an account to track dues payments and donations, recurring payments, etc. When you enter your email address you will receive a receipt for each transaction.